This Man Must Die by William W. Johnstone

This Man Must Die by William W. Johnstone

Author:William W. Johnstone
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Pinnacle Books
Published: 2023-02-16T00:00:00+00:00


Hawkeye was not sure if he was alive or dead when he came to and heard a voice calling his name. He remembered someone had shot at them. He remembered seeing the sheriff get hit and Mr. Hagen, too.

He had the warm, metallic taste of blood in his mouth and began to fear he was dying. He thought he could still hear the echo of that last shot above him.

Hawkeye ran his hands over his chest and face and cried out when he lifted his hands to see them covered in blood. But he did not feel any pain. Was this what it felt like to be dying?

“Hawkeye!” The voice was much louder now, and he recognized it as Mr. Hagen. “Are you hit?”

“I think so.” He frantically moved his hands along his body, but nothing hurt. But where had all the blood come from?

He lifted his head and braced himself for the agony that was sure to follow. But there was no pain, just a dull throbbing across his back from when he had hit the ground.

“Keep your head down!” Mr. Hagen shouted. “He might still be out there. Don’t move. I’m headed your way.”

But Hawkeye was too worried about his condition to heed the advice. He looked over his body and failed to see a wound. He rolled over on his side and was sure he had not been hit.

It was not until he saw the remains of his horse’s head that he realized the blood was not his, but the animal’s.

Mr. Hagen parted the tall grass as he crawled over to him. “You’re not hit. The blood’s from your horse.”

“Did he get you?” Hawkeye asked.

“No, but he came close. That spill I took was just playacting.”

Whatever relief Hawkeye might have felt was quickly pushed aside by his concern for the sheriff. “The boss got hit. Twice. I’d better go see how bad.”

Hagen reached out and pulled the boy back to the ground. “Stay low and stay here until I call for you. That lowlife might still be waiting out there.”

Before Hawkeye could protest, Hagen was already on his feet moving at a crouch. He saw the two remaining horses and the packhorse had gathered near a group of trees, nosing the grass around their hooves as if nothing had just happened. Maybe things were not as bad as he feared.

But that notion died the moment he heard Mr. Hagen call for him. “Buck’s been hit. Get over here now!”

Hawkeye forgot all about the gunman who might be waiting to finish them off as he sprang to his feet and ran back to where he saw Mr. Hagen crouched over the sheriff. He tore off the left sleeve of his fancy shirt and pressed it against a bleeding hole in Trammel’s chest.

Hawkeye froze where he stood. The sheriff had been shot. He had never seen him look so flat and helpless before, and the sight made no sense to him. He had to still be dreaming. This could not be happening.


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